25/03/2021 | Actividades > Diplomacia pública
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El 25 de marzo tendrá lugar la primera edición de la Tribuna España-Indonesia, que se celebrará en formato online, de 9 a 11.00 h española. Este foro está organizado por Casa Asia y el Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) de Indonesia, y cuenta con el apoyo de los Ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores de ambos países, y la colaboración de sus respectivas Embajadas en Yakarta y en Madrid.

La Tribuna España-Indonesia constituye una plataforma de diálogo y cooperación cuyo objetivo principal es potenciar las relaciones entre los dos países, además de explorar oportunidades de colaboración y de impulsar vínculos entre las respectivas sociedades civiles.

Esta primera edición consta de una sesión de apertura y otra de clausura, y de dos sesiones de trabajo. En la primera de ellas se abordará el nivel actual de relaciones diplomáticas entre España e Indonesia, mientras que en la segunda sesión se hará hincapié en analizar los efectos del Covid-19 y, sobre todo, en cómo reactivar y recuperar algunos de los sectores económicos más cruciales de los dos países.

Casa Asia organiza estos foros con países asiáticos (actualmente, con la República de Corea, Filipinas e Indonesia) con el propósito de propiciar reuniones anuales entre las delegaciones de ambos países en torno a temáticas de interés común.

Idioma del acto: Inglés

“La creación de un foro de diálogo y cooperación con Indonesia, país clave del Sudeste Asiático por su dimensión e influencia en la zona, ha sido un objetivo prioritario para Casa Asia en los últimos años. Esperamos que esta primera edición sirva para sentar las bases de futuros encuentros anuales que permitan estrechar lazos y promover proyectos bilaterales entre las sociedades civiles y las administraciones públicas de ambos países”.

Javier Parrondo, director general de Casa Asia


9:00-9:15 Madrid (UTC+1)

15:00-15:15 Jakarta (GMT+7)

Dr Philips J. Vermonte
Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia

Javier Parrondo
Director General of Casa Asia

 9:15-9:35 Madrid (UTC+1)

15:15-15:35 Jakarta (GMT+7)

Celebrating Indonesia-Spain Relations: Overview of diplomatic and people-to-people relations

Indonesia and Spain are two countries tied by both history and affinity. As a celebration of the multi-faceted relationship between the two countries, this panel takes on the task of updating the audience on the latest developments in the bilateral relations. This session also serves as an interactive dialogue between Indonesian and Spanish citizens in living, engaging, and cooperating with one another, both at governments and people-to-people levels.

Trigger Speakers

H.E. I Gede Ngurah Swajaya
Director General for American and European Affairs,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia

H.E. Ana Sálomon
Director General for North America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain

Discussion Session 1

9:35-10:05 Madrid (UTC+1)

15:35-16:05 Jakarta (GMT+7)

H.E. José María Matres Manso

Ambassador of Spain to Indonesia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain

Reza Valdo Maspaitella

Coordinator, International Chamber of Commerce-Alibaba Business School and Founder, Toko Pandai Nusantara, Indonesia

Dr Awaludin Marwan

Lecturer, Universitas Bhayangkara and CEO HeyLaw


Dr Philips J. Vermonte

Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia

10:05-10:25 Madrid (UTC+1)

16:05-16:25 Jakarta (GMT+7)

Strengthening Indonesia-Spain Cooperation amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Economic Innovation

With the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the world over, countries across regions continue to explore ways to recover their economies, especially in the industries crucial to them. Spain and Indonesia are two countries with similar economic concerns, with experience to share with one another. For example, how both countries rely on the tourism sector. After the industry felt the brunt of the impact of the pandemic, Spain and Indonesia have plenty to discuss with regards to their experience in saving the industry. Both countries, for another instance, are also very much concerned with how small businesses can cope amidst the pandemic, especially their creative industries and digital economy. In addition, as a member of EU and ASEAN, they both share the common concern and willingness to work on the bigger trade issues that have existed for quite a while, such as the issue of palm oil. This session seeks to share the lessons learned on how to revive and recover some of the most crucial economic sectors between the two countries through exploring new economic sectors, as well as opening a forum to discuss about long standing economic issues that may be of strategic concern between the two countries.

Trigger speakers:

Dr Fajar B. Hirawan

Researcher, Department of Economics, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia

Aitana Araceli Míguez Cillero
Economic and Commercial Counsellor for Indonesia, Embassy of Spain in Indonesia

Discussion Session 2

10:25-11:00 Madrid (UTC+1)

16:25-17:00 Jakarta (GMT+7)

Shinta Kamdani

Executive Board of International Chamber of Commerce

Edward Ismawan Chamdani

Co-founder and Managing Partner, Gayo Capital; Board Treasurer, Indonesian Venture Capital and Startups Association (AMVESINDO)

Manuel Valdés Colón de Carvajal

Member of the Board of the Spain-ASEAN Business Association (ASEMPEA), and Vice Chairman of Globaltec


Amadeo Jensana

Director of Business and Economic Programs. Casa Asia

11:00 Madrid (UTC+1)

17:00 Jakarta (UTC+7)

By Forum Moderator:

Dr Fitriani
Researcher, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia


H.E. I Gede Ngurah Swajaya
H.E. I Gede Ngurah Swajaya
H.E. I Gede Ngurah Swajaya Director General for American and European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia
H.E. Ana Sálomon
H.E. Ana Sálomon
Director General for North America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Pacific,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain
H.E. José María Matres Manso
H.E. José María Matres Manso
Ambassador of Spain to Indonesia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain
Reza Valdo Maspaitella
Reza Valdo Maspaitella
Coordinator, International Chamber of Commerce-Alibaba Business School and Founder, Toko Pandai Nusantara, Indonesia
Dr Awaludin Marwan
Dr Awaludin Marwan
Lecturer, Universitas Bhayangkara and CEO HeyLaw
Dr Fajar B. Hirawan
Dr Fajar B. Hirawan
Researcher, Department of Economics,
Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia
Aitana Araceli Míguez Cillero
Aitana Araceli Míguez Cillero
Economic and Commercial Counsellor for Indonesia, Embassy of Spain in Indonesia
Shinta Kamdani
Shinta Kamdani
Executive Board of International Chamber of Commerce
Edward Ismawan Chamdani
Edward Ismawan Chamdani
Co-founder and Managing Partner, Gayo Capital; Board Treasurer, Indonesian Venture Capital and Startups Association (AMVESINDO)
Manuel Valdés Colón de Carvajal
Manuel Valdés Colón de Carvajal
Member of the Board of the Spain-ASEAN Business Association (ASEMPEA),
and Vice Chairman of Globaltec


Jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021
9:00-11:00 Madrid (UTC+1)
15:00-17:00 Yakarta (GMT+7)


Actividad gratuita.

Casa Asia y el Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) de Indonesia, con el apoyo de los Ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores de España e Indonesia, y la colaboración de sus respectivas Embajadas en Yakarta y en Madrid.