13/11/2010 | Actividades > Educación
Actividad cerrada
Consulta la nueva oferta formativa aquí: www.casaasia.es/formacion

The Confucius Institute of Madrid will host next 13th of November, the holding of the HSK Chinese Official Exam. The registration period for this exam is opened on the 15th of September to the 22nd of October 2010.


1. To carry out the exam, you must register at the following website: www.chinesetesting.cn
Click here to consult the instructions about how to carry out the registration to the HSK Exam
2. Once the registration has been done, the exam fees must be paid in the following bank account number 0182.6035.44.020.150876.3 of BBVA indicating the name of the student and level.
3. Next, a copy of the receipt of the transfer or payment must be sent by e-mail or fax: [email protected]
fax 91 369 49 09
The seat is only guaranteed if the payment of the exam has been carried out.
Registration fees will not be returned.

In order to consult exam models, consult here
For more information about the structure of the exam click here

1.    Bring your ID and Passport.
2.    The day of the exam students will be given the Admission Card to the exam. It is convenient to preserve this card. In order to consult the grade, to obtain a receipt or certificate, the Admission Card to the card.
3.    Students must bring a 2B pencil and rubber.
4.    It is essential to be on time the day of the exam.

